Welcome Dr Ibukun Oluwoye

We like to welcome Dr Ibukun Oluwoye to the Curtin Corrosion Centre team. Ibukun will work on the degradation of non-metallic parts of offshore Oil and Gas infrastructure as part of the National Decommissioning Research Initiative (NDRI) within National Energy Resources Australia (NERA).
A bit more about Ibukun
Dr Ibukun Oluwoye is a Research Fellow at the Curtin Corrosion Centre. He completed his PhD at Murdoch University (Australia) in 2017, and served as a postdoctoral research scientist, conducting specialised multidisciplinary research in chemical process kinetics, heterogenous reactions and atmospheric environment. His work targets developing robust solutions for industrial processes within the focal context of sustainable developments.
At Curtin Corrosion Centre, Dr Oluwoye works on the degradation of non-metallic parts of offshore Oil and Gas infrastructure, executed for, and on behalf of, the National Decommissioning Research Initiative (NDRI) within National Energy Resources Australia (NERA). He is developing a reliable approach to estimate the degradation rate and fates of these class of materials in pertinent environmental conditions. This study is highly instrumental for the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the non-metallic material in offshore waters.
Dr Oluwoye’s work reflects the avant-garde quality. His focus on research excellence has resulted in various scientific prizes and awards, including mobility grants from the Australian Academy of Science (2020) and the Australian Combustion Society (2019). His research and technical expertise span across chemical process kinetics, polymer degradation, thermal analyses, material characterisation, spectroscopy and analytical methods, heterogenous (solid-gas) reactions, density functional theory, and reaction modelling.