
It has been almost two years since I joined Curtin University. I first moved to Australia to take on the role of Chevron and Woodside Chair and, recently, was also named Director of the Curtin Corrosion Centre. At Curtin, I have the privilege of working with a fantastic group of researchers, engineers, scholars, administrators, research officers, and caretakers representing 17 different nationalities. They all make the Curtin Corrosion Centre a fascinating part of my professional career.
Now, after months of incredibly hard work, we are thrilled to finally flip the switch and show our new website to the world.
As you will experience, our new home is filled with information about our areas of expertise, our facilities, study options, collaborations, and knowledge articles.
Open collaboration
When we sit down to brainstorm the structure of the new site, it was clear that our main objective was to create a platform to share corrosion and materials science knowledge not only to students, colleagues, clients, and engineers but also to the community. We firmly believe that education is instrumental in reducing the economic, societal, and environmental impact of corrosion.
In my view, open collaboration is paramount. Companies from the same and different industries all face similar, if not identical corrosion and material degradation challenges. Yet, the free, as in freedom, exchange of knowledge and experiences, which is essential to winning “the war on rust”, is not a common practice.
Our new website is, in part, an ambitious attempt to generate awareness of the cost of corrosion and empower the next generation of corrosion and materials scientist and engineers.
Our ultimate goal is to transform the new platform into an authoritative source of the state-of-the-art on corrosion science and engineering.
Education and outreach
At the Curtin Corrosion Centre, we acknowledge we are responsible for contributing to the broader recognition of the impact of corrosion in our communities, the environment, and society. We are, thus, committed to working alongside educators (especially at the secondary school level) to bring corrosion and materials education to the classroom, and with communities across Western Australia to find cost-effective solutions to mitigate the impact of corrosion.
We encourage teachers, community leaders, lawmakers, as well as volunteering, aboriginal, religious, and non-for profit organisation to get in touch with us!
Navigating the site
In the About, Expertise, and Facilities tabs you will discover the Curtin Corrosion Centre, the team, our collaborators and students, learn about our core areas of expertise and find out more about our facilities.
The Knowledge tab will take you to the Research and Resources sections where you will find publications, lectures, and presentations, and learn about the fundamentals of corrosion and materials science and engineering.
The Case Studies section under the Experience tab presents key projects, summarising the problem, the experimental approach, and the lessons learned.
Prospective students should head to the Study section to read about corrosion education opportunities as well as Higher Degree by Research (HDR) scholarships.
There is a lot more. We hope you will make good use of the content of the Curtin Corrosion Centre website.
Fun facts
At launch, the website consists of over 26,000 words, plus about 2,000 words in the metadata fields (keywords, captions, descriptions, etc.; mostly invisible to you). It is the equivalent of 59 pages of pure text (single spaced, 12 point font). There are over 80 hyperlinks (you should visit the related content!)
We collected about 1000 images and edited more than 550 photos.
It would take you about 2.5h non-stop to read all the content!
The website would not have been a reality without the financial and strategic contribution of Prof. Chris Moran and the Research Office at Curtin University.
Chris, big thanks from the entire team!
I also like to recognise the effort of the entire Curtin Corrosion Centre team in creating the content and Teresa Gumina for her patience and support!
Special thanks to Esteban Rodoni for the photography work (more on a separate post).
Lastly, I like to recognise Lissa, Stephen, Petar, and the amazing group of designers and programmers at Equilibrium. It has been a long, enjoyable journey.